General terms & conditions
General terms and conditions of sale
- The general terms and conditions of sale for online sales to Consumers via the website
- Are always based on the latest state of affairs as included on the website. Deviations from these are not possible, even if possible purchase conditions of the Consumer are not explicitly rejected by C&J.
- All prices include VAT and are subject to errors. C&J will be held back from executing the agreement insofar as gross and for the Consumer [obvious] errors have occurred in pricing.
- All info on the website , terms and conditions, and only these to the exclusion of all others, apply to all transactions taking place within the website
- Deviations from these conditions are only possible with written agreement.
- product liability
- In case of legal dispute, the Belgian Courts are competent which C&J will designate to the Consumer. Beforehand, the Consumer and C&J will make every effort to come to a satisfactory solution together.
- Stated periods are always indicative. In case of no or late delivery, C&J shall not be liable for damages to the Consumer.
- Specific conditions apply to traders, traders will therefore refrain from claiming the application of these conditions.
Additional Privacy Information.
- In addition to the basic data included in the previous article regarding the "Account with the Consumer's Data", C&J and its affiliated partners may collect additional data in order to personalize the service according to the Consumer's wishes and use.
- C&J will notify the competent authorities of the collection of data if necessary.
- The Consumer has, in accordance with the law, the right to view, modify or have this data deleted.
- All data is securely stored within the EU. C&J makes every effort to keep your data safe, but will not assume any liability in this regard.